Wednesday, October 31, 2007

A (New) Beginning?

It's much satisfying to see the children emptying their plates and ask for seconds at any meal; or to see them keep making their way to the kitchen for that slice of cake / brownie / cookies that you have made and stored in the fridge / jar.

And after many, many years of cooking the stuff that my own mother used to cook for me and her mother for her years before that, I find the same dishes can sometimes de-motivate me where cooking is concerned. Whilst I call these food my comfort food (so to speak), at times I need to get away from the same dishes that had nourished me for so long.

These days I love to try new tastes with new ingredients to diversify the cooking palate a bit. I am experimenting with Thai and western dishes that arent too challenging..

I am putting up the blog to well.., maybe journal a bit my new journey in the world of cooking.. muah-ha-ha.. sounds like I have a long / serious journey ahead of me..
